My work life is multi-faceted.

  • I have an active international psychotherapy practice in which I work with clients both in my lovely Montreal office and by Zoom worldwide.

  • I’m an international guest expert on television and radio on issues related to mental health and emotional well being, notably appearing on NBC’s The Today Show and Oprah radio. I was featured in Time Magazine and Maclean’s (Canada) among many other media appearances.

  • I write a blog for Psychology Today magazine called Schlepping Through Heartbreak that has had over 4 million views.

  • I have written three books and edited a fourth. My first book is about sister relationships and the other three are about divorce and divorce recovery. As a result of one of my books, Runaway Husbands, I lead a worldwide community of women supporting each other through recovery from sudden unexpected divorces (learn more at the Runaway Husbands website.)

What else?

I’m a New Yorker but moved to Montreal in the 80’s and feel at home in both places! I practiced Buddhism in my twenties so eastern thought informs my practice. I love nature, puzzles, walking, yoga, meditation, world music and anything that makes me laugh. I sing in a choir and am learning to play the piano!

Vikki Stark at The Social
Vikki Stark
Vikki Stark Sedona Hills Divorce Recovery Retreat

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