My work life is multi-faceted.
I have an active international psychotherapy practice in which I work with clients both in my lovely Montreal office and by Zoom worldwide.
I’m an international guest expert on television and radio on issues related to mental health and emotional well being, notably appearing on NBC’s The Today Show and Oprah radio. I was featured in Time Magazine and Maclean’s (Canada) among many other media appearances.
I write a blog for Psychology Today magazine called Schlepping Through Heartbreak that has had over 4 million views.
I have written three books and edited a fourth. My first book is about sister relationships and the other three are about divorce and divorce recovery. As a result of one of my books, Runaway Husbands, I lead a worldwide community of women supporting each other through recovery from sudden unexpected divorces (learn more at the Runaway Husbands website.)
What else?
I’m a New Yorker but moved to Montreal in the 80’s and feel at home in both places! I practiced Buddhism in my twenties so eastern thought informs my practice. I love nature, puzzles, walking, yoga, meditation, world music and anything that makes me laugh. I sing in a choir and am learning to play the piano!